
Are you ready to face your finances and bring awareness to your spending?  If your heart is racing and you feel nervous or nauseous, the answer is likely yes, and I would love to be the one to help you.

The Resistance

It’s entirely normal to feel some fear and resistance to this process.  After all, facing your spending habits feels overwhelming and can carry an immense amount of shame for many people.  You are not alone in this, I’ve got you every step of the way.

The Process

During our initial consultation (in-person or via video call), we will discover your money story and talk about your current financial situation and related goals.  Be assured that anything we discuss throughout this process will remain private and confidential.

If you choose to move forward with working together, you will receive an email from me with homework to help you start building awareness around your spending habits and prepare you for our next session together.

Based on the goals discussed during our initial consultation, we will move forward with building a plan to achieve them.  Some of the goals I have helped my clients work toward are:

  • Stop living paycheck to paycheck
  • Pay off debt
  • Build savings
  • Travel more
  • Retire early
  • Have a sense of peace surrounding money habits

If you are ready to work together toward your version of financial freedom, click the button below to fill out the contact form and let’s get started!